Thursday, May 1, 2008


Last summer me and my family went to Hawaii it was one of the best trips of my life. I have taken we stayed in a little condo by a big beach called hapona. The best beach I have been to about 90% of the time we where at the beach. But the other 10% we went to a active volcano. It was really cool we did not see any lava but I think we got close to some. It was really hot down there that day we hiked about 4 miles on the rockey lava rocks. That was one of the coolest experiences in my life I hope to go back again.

8th grade project

Last weekend for my 8th grade project I did the big climb for leukimia. First we handed out water for the climbers for 3 hours. Then me and my dad did the big climb it was really hard. 73 flights 1,311 stairs I thought I was going to pass out after I climbed the stairs. But I beat my dad by 20 seconds. My 8th grade project is on leukimia that is why I did the climb. I think we will do the climb next year too. I hope I am in better shape next year so I do not feel like I am going to pass out. But it was still a fun experience climbing the tower.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

New Years

For the last half of winter break we went to oregon. We stayed at our friends house for 5 days. On new years day we went bowling for 3 hours then came back to his house at about 4. When we got back to his house we had to set up for the big party. 30 or 40 people came at about 10 at night we lite of fireworks big ones then after the fireworks we went bowling agian. With one of his friends it was fun because they turned of the lights and we got to bowl in the dark. We where done about 12:30 when we where done with bowling we went back to his house. There was still alot of people about 20. Then we played guitar hero 3 till 3:00 then we watched movie till 5 or 6.

Four day weekend

This weekend is our four day weekend I am going to work at my uncles other house that he just bought I worked once before I got to pull up tack strip that holds the carpet it was wasent very fun but I got 40 dollers for the work so I was happy I hope I dont do somthing that Is not very fun but I still hope I got a couple of weekends ago so I can buy a new paintball gun I also want to get on a paintball team and playmore because I dont play enought but once I get my new gun I want to find tryouts for a team because paintball is fun.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Last weekend me and my dad went to REI to get all my stuff for the california trip that we take on saturday after we shopped for about 3 hours for stuff for the trip we got to go to a moive national treasure book of secrets it was really good I even think it was better than the first on the treasure they found was awsome and way better then the first first moive it was a whole town made of gold made by Indians it was one of the best moives I have scene so far I hope They make another national treasure I like those movies because they have to figure out all the clues to find the big treasure I also liked it because of the puzzle solving part of it.