Friday, November 30, 2007

Mount Pilchuck

This essay is on my mount pilchuck adventure ed hike. The three things I will be writing on is the funnest part, the most difficult part, and the most important thing I learned.
The part that I thought was the best was when we where at the top. You could see for miles in every direction. Another fun part was after lunch we got to climb around on the rocks. We tried to find the letterbox but never did. Latter that day we did find the geocash box which was full of stuff people left when they found it.
The most difficult part of getting to the top was climbing to the top. It took about 2 and a half hours without stops. At the top my legs felt like they where going to fall off. But luckily they did not so I gave my legs a rest at the top where we ate lunch. After we ate we went to explore for about 1 and a half hours. Then it was time to go back down that was hard but not as hard as going up. When we where at the buses my legs where tired.
The most important thing I learned was to never give up. when I was the most tired and when I felt like giving up i did not. When I got to the top It payed of to not give up. Now I will never give up ever again In my life because I know It will pay off at the end.
In conclusion the hike was fun at times and very hard at others. But the most important part of the trip was to never give up. even at the hardest times.

1 comment:

Mr. Bergquist said...

Put an extra space between paragraphs.