Thursday, March 20, 2008

New Years

For the last half of winter break we went to oregon. We stayed at our friends house for 5 days. On new years day we went bowling for 3 hours then came back to his house at about 4. When we got back to his house we had to set up for the big party. 30 or 40 people came at about 10 at night we lite of fireworks big ones then after the fireworks we went bowling agian. With one of his friends it was fun because they turned of the lights and we got to bowl in the dark. We where done about 12:30 when we where done with bowling we went back to his house. There was still alot of people about 20. Then we played guitar hero 3 till 3:00 then we watched movie till 5 or 6.


O Rock said...

That sounds like fun. So you must like to go bowling a lot. You must have been so tired after that because you stayed up all the night. I know i would have fallen asleep before 6:00. Good blog entry.

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patrick p said...

Wow reibel you are a party boy man. Because you played guitar hero of caurse you no your crazy when you play guitar hero. Hey man that party sounds very wild when you said the bowling part at night. Well i hope the firework party was cool. Be careful when you light of fireworks