Thursday, May 1, 2008


Last summer me and my family went to Hawaii it was one of the best trips of my life. I have taken we stayed in a little condo by a big beach called hapona. The best beach I have been to about 90% of the time we where at the beach. But the other 10% we went to a active volcano. It was really cool we did not see any lava but I think we got close to some. It was really hot down there that day we hiked about 4 miles on the rockey lava rocks. That was one of the coolest experiences in my life I hope to go back again.


garret said...

REBILE thats sounds like fun i wish i could go to Hawii. I liked it because you explained the islands and the volcano. I bet the beach was fun because it's really hot their. My parents have gone there but sadly I have not. I hope to go their some day.

Cameron said...

Riebel, i liked this because i have always wanted to go to hawaii. it sounds like you had a lot of fun. i think that the most tropical place i have beeen to was palm springs california. thats cool that you got to walk on lava rock. it must have been a really fun trip.

Herbert said...

Hey there! I ain't put no comments here, I don't reckon! So, how's you been, boy? Oh! There's a comment from My main man. Howdy there, garret!